Fogo Island Inn

Fogo Island Inn

Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Lots of hotels are built to blend in with their surroundings. The Fogo Island Inn was designed to stand out. Featuring stunning modern architecture and filled with equally clean-lined furnishings, this grand space serves as a public building for the island, sporting a dining room, bar, lounge, library, gym, and cinema, the latter through a partnership with the National Film Board of Canada. As for the rooms themselves, there's 29 of them, most with wood-burning stoves, all with minimalist bathrooms, and varying in size from 350 to 1,100 square feet. Oh, and there's one other thing they all share: fantastic views of the North Atlantic and the Little Fogo islands.

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Fogo Island Inn
Fogo Island Inn
Fogo Island Inn
Fogo Island Inn
Fogo Island Inn